This document clarifies the Supplier, the values, principles and guidelines by which Tyco Electronics...
Freeing high speed CMOS line scan cameras from the frame grabber
For some decades now, line scan cameras based on just one or two lines of pixel sensors have become well...
MEMS Timing-Keeper Extends Standby Life of Mobile Devices
With increasingly sophisticated Smartphones and mobile devices offering more features and un-tethered...
MTBF: misquoted and misunderstood
Reliability is one of the most important factors that a designer needs to consider when specifying components...
5 Reasons to Consider an Alternative to Linux for Your Medical Device
Medical device designers have become increasingly interested in the Linux® operating system (OS), largely...
Eye and Hand Coordination - The Future of Robotics
Continuing advances in robotics have made them clearly one of the most important pieces of the manufacturing...
Tips and Tricks on How to Verify Control Loop Stability
In a design of a modern switch-mode power supplies (SMPS), the designer has to ensure that the converter...
Viking Technology manufactures DRAM modules for OEMs in Enterprise, Telecommunications and Industrial...
Designing Flexible Software-Defined Radio Architectures
Modern high-performance radio/microwave communications systems utilize digital baseband signal processing...
Sources of Phase Noise and Jitter in Oscillators
The output signal of an oscillator, no matter how good it is, will contain all kinds of unwanted noises...
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