Using Ultracapacitors for Voltage Stabilization
When an electrically-driven machine starts, it may require very high current from the power supply for...
Components and Methods for Current Measurement
Current sensing is used to perform two essential circuit functions. First, it is used to measure “how...
Redefining the Role of the RTOS
The world of embedded systems is undergoing a profound evolution. Once isolated and purpose-built, embedded...
Image Stabilization Technology Overview
Optical image stabilization (OIS) addresses the quality of images, and is an idea that has been around...
Ultra Low Noise Amplifiers
This white paper describes the performance and characteristics of two new ultra low noise LNAs from Skyworks....
Ball vs. Sleeve: A Comparison In Bearing Performance
As consumers demand smaller, faster computer systems, OEM design engineers race to create systems with...
System Level Verification and Debug of DDR3/4 Memory Designs
This application note provides an introduction to the DDR memory technology and explains common challenges,...
Optimizing POL Transient Response with the Tunable LoopTM Feature
Since Point of Loads (POLs) are small, efficient and relatively inexpensive, their utility in providing...
White Paper 1: The Need for Security
With the recent rise of the Internet of Things (IoT), 14 billion devices are now connected. However,...
Technology Improving Fan Reliability
The trend in recent years for information and communications devices to have high performance and down...
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