Securing Your Business While Lowering TCO with VSaaS
Cloud and edge computing are driving video surveillance systems from on-premise managed schemes to cloud-based solutions. With the addition of software as-a service (SaaS) applications, the conventional video surveillance system is transforming into a Video Surveillance as a Service (VSaaS) model.
The global IP video surveillance and VSaaS market is growing, particularly in the residential and small-to-medium business sectors. Valued at $18.51 billion in 2018, the market is projected to reach $52.98 billion by 2026—registering a CAGR of 12.9% from 2019 to 20261. As a result, huge volumes of data will be produced, requiring system optimization among data storage, data processing and communication—revolutionizing the VSaaS model.
This solution brief describes VSaaS, how it can lower the TCO of a conventional video surveillance system, and how to select a suitable VSaaS solution for your business.
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Related Categories: Analog, Communication, Edge computing, Industrial, Power

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